Teaching pharmacy

Outside View

Teaching Pharmacy is one of the most important units of any Sowa-Rigpa college. It is the place where UG students will get first hand practical experiences on the science of Sowa-Rigpa pharmacy. Here, based on the Syllabus, UG students will be taught how to select ingredients, detoxify, mix and finally compound them into finished products such as in the form of pills, decoction, powder, etc. There is a saying in Sowa-Rigpa medical tradition that the doctors have to wear many hats. He or She is not just a doctor, but also a pharmacist, therapist and nurse or paramedical staff as well. So, in essence, Sowa-Rigpa doctor must have a good knowledge and practical experiences on herbal formulations and so on and thus Teaching Pharmacy plays an essential role in the Sowa-Rigpa education these days.